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Activity title

Standards for Military Personnel Data and Analytics Exchanges

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analytics tools, benchmarking, military personnel data, model sharing, standards, Workforce analytics


Analytics allow sound decision making derived from data. Many NATO and partner nations benefit from the application of analytics to military workforce management. Many also produce regular reports on personnel analytics and the sharing of statistics between nations is becoming routine (e.g., Summary of National Reports to the NATO Committee on Gender Perspectives, NATO Defence Planning Capability Survey, and Requests for Information). However, there are currently obstacles to sharing due to a lack of international standards for personnel data and analytics products. Different nations are using different ontologies (e.g., strength categories, occupations/groups), definitions (e.g., full-time equivalent), measurements and metrics (e.g., attrition rates). Some standardization agreements, such as the NATO Codes for Grades of Military Personnel (STANAG 2116), already exist and are often implemented by nations when sharing personnel statistics; however, a gap remains.


The Technical Activity will tap into the workforce analytics expertise of the member nations to develop and validate a standardized approach for NATO military personnel data analytics products and workforce analytics exchanges, including both what data and analytical elements to include and how to present them to strengthen the utility among NATO nations. It will demonstrate the concept by producing a statistical report that will consistently compare participating national military workforces, and by exchanging selected national analytical tools adapted to a common format. The composition and structure of national military forces vary greatly. Therefore, it is not anticipated that all currently held national personnel data will fit within the developed standardized approach. However, it is expected that there are sufficient commonalities to allow a standardized approach to mutually beneficial information sharing leading to effective benchmarking and tool sharing. The activity plans the following deliverables: 1. Technical Report describing a standardized approach for NATO military personnel data analytics products and workforce analytics exchange. 2. Statistical report comparing an agreed upon common set of characteristics of the participating national military workforces as an example of an analytics product that adheres to the developed standardized approach (deliverable for the benchmarking component). 3. Initial case example(s) of analytical models and interface adaptors from/to a common format based on the developed standardized approach (deliverable for the tool sharing component).


• Military Workforce Analytics / Data Science – methods, models, and tools • Statistics – elements of statistical reports • Standardization

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